About me

I am a passionate computer science student who has experience with diverse range of tools, technologies, and programming languages. I have a passion for machine learning and its practical applications in real-life scenarios along with full-stack web development.

I am always looking to learn and expand my knowledge in the field and am excited to see where my career takes me and the impact I can make in the industry.


  1. BITS Pilani

    2019 — 2023

    B.E. CSE

  2. DAV Ispat Public School

    2010 — 2018

    12th - 92.8%

    10th - 10 CGPA


  1. Here Technologies, Mumbai— Software Developer Intern

    Jan, 2023 — Present

    Tech Stack - JAVA, Scala, Maven, Spark

  2. Primera Medical Technologies, Hyderabad— Data Science Intern

    Jan, 2022 — May, 2022

    Automating the prediction of Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) and estimating hospital costs based on clinical notes and patient history during admission.

    Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning

  3. PLATiFi, Bangalore— Software Developer Internr

    May, 2021 — July, 2021

    Contributed by creating a job portal where candidates can apply for vacant job positions.

    TechStack - MERN Stack, Figma


  • Web development icon

    Expense Tracker— App Development

    Financial tracking application that enables users to maintain a centralized record of their finances, including all of their lending and borrowing data.

    Tech Stack - Android Studio, JAVA, XML, Firebase

  • Web development icon

    Mobile Edge Computing using UAVs— Reinforcement Learning

    Contributed to a research project centered around 6G technology, with the aim of optimizing User Equipment (UE) scheduling for computing services provided by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

    Algorithms used are DDPG, SAC, and A3C.

  • Web development icon

    Dextrous Hand Manipulation— Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning

    Implemented a Deep Reinforcement Learning model to train a robotic hand to complete the designated task. Employed the Proximal Policy Approximation (PPO) on-policy reinforcement learning algorithm to train the robotic hand in the MujoCo Environment.

  • Web development icon

    Automated Fake News Detection— Natural Language Processing

    Used NLP techniques to analyze reports written by journalists to identify fake news among them. The filtered data was then deployed into a web interface using Django. Used a Siamese Neural Network containing BERT as the base model.

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    Hotel Management System— Web Development

    Web App that facilitates the management of hotel operations by staff and allows customers to reserve accommodations.

    Tech Stack : Django, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS


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